Saturday, March 24

Peaches and Cream Pancakes

I know its been awhile. I deeply apologize. Life takes its twists and turns and well, I have had little time or gumption to write anything.

To kick off the weekend, I ended up in the E.R. for back issues. My daughter of course, was up by the time I returned home and as such announced she wanted pancakes. Here's the sucky part...I can't stand up straight and I am in the mood to cook. These 2 things do not go together well.

I did it anyway. I'm a stubborn bitch. End of story.

So this mornings breakfast, since I had 2 lovely white peaches with absolutely no flavor, is Peaches and Cream Pancakes.

The pancake recipe is mom's. I alter it with add-ins to make it fun. The basic recipe makes fat, fluffy, dense pancakes.

Now I am not a huge fan of pancakes.

I know. Blasphemy.

But my kiddos are, so I indulge them.

So first off, warm up you griddle or skillet. I use my cast iron. Ok, I use my cast iron for darn near everything.

Looks yummy right?

From scratch pancakes are super easy, I promise. Even you bachelors can get this.

You need:
2c Flour
1Tbs Baking POWDER
1tsp salt
1Tbs Sugar
and these... a little milk. I usually end up using about a cup, but it depends. 

So first off dump the dry ingredients into a bowl.

Add Egg.

My daughter loves to help me with this part. She is an egg-o-holic like me and her specialty now is breaking and adding eggs.

Add milk. Start with a little and keep adding until blended and a thick batter forms. You wan it to be gloppy, not runny.

Like this. 
I would like to apologize for the not well lit pics. I hurt. I am not feeling camera mode today :-(

Add into your batter a splash of vanilla and if you have it a tiny amount of maple extract. Almond works well too if you have it.

Next, chop a peach into bits.

No! Don't put them in yet! I didn't tell you to do that and I am the boss right now! Got it? 
Ok good. Geez. Thinking your a pro and all. ;-)

Dust the peaches with a little flour. A tablespoon works pretty well.

What? Why?
Because the flour helps fruit or any watery, chunky additions to suspend in the batter instead of floating to the bottom. 

Wait. Can you float to the bottom? Uh...fall, coagulate, have a meeting in the depths of the batter. 
This way you have even peachiness in every cake. 

Now that your batter is all happy and peachy, coat your skillet with an oily substance (I use butter)
and pour batter in small circles. about 1/4 c per cake.

Whilst they are cooking slice up another peach.

Why? Again you ask why? 
'Cause you can't have enough tasteless white winter peaches, that's why.
And your gonna coat them in sugar too. 

Turn the cakes over when they get bubbly on top and start to look dryish on the edges. Depending on your skillet, heat level and stove, 1-2 minutes per side. I cook on medium when using cast iron.

See pretty peach slices.

Coated in sugar.

Flip over your cakes.

Put them on a plate.

Top them with your peach slices and a dollop of your favorite yogurt flavor (I used banana 'cause that's what I had). I also added this peach-mango compote stuff I get at Costco. It's yummy on vanilla ice cream too.

Voila! Peaches and Cream Pancakes.
See that was easy!
Fry an egg, cook up some sausage and bacon, pour a cup of the nectar of the gods and enjoy on the front porch. Make sure you wave at the neighbors!


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